California Sample Ballot Nov 2014 Nov 4

There is a very strong correlation, between a state voting for Republicans and receiving more in federal spending than its residents pay to the federal government in taxes (the rust belt and Texas being notable exceptions). In essence, those in blue states are subsidizing those in red states. Both red and blue states appear to be acting politically in opposition to their economic interests. Blue states are voting for candidates who are likely to continue the policies of red state subsidization while red states are voting for candidates who profess a desire to reduce federal spending (and presumably red state subsidization).

Proposition1 Water Bond. Funding for Water Quality, Supply, Koch should pay for the water he uses for Fracking – NO Brown Likes It I Hate It Brown loves Prison Industry and Bobby Jindal

Proposition2   State Budget. Budget Stabilization Account. NO

California General Election Familys back prop 47 abraham-lincoln-government-quotes-no-man-is-good-enough-to-govern-another-man 2014 JayZ_Prop 47 NOV 4

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